Monday, February 18, 2008

RBC Client First Stories

A few days ago, a friend of mine asked to see some of the many brand stories I directed for RBC. 

I directed her to but thought that it would be worthwhile compiling a few of the public versions of the Client First Stories for others to see as well.

In addition to being the creative lead on the initiative, I directed and shot most of the two-minute internal stories.   To date, there have been almost 40 completed.  These included a half-dozen "pilots" for various divisions of the bank - stories that helped to establish the look and feel of Client First, long before the name was formalized. 

They included Steve's Auto, Muttluks, KK Plastics, and the Marshall's.

The first official Client First Story was Hilary and Dennis, the story of a young professional couple from Vancouver and the RBC Financial Planner who helped them get ahead.  

Within a few months, we had completed Abe's Story, Pierre Paquin,  Jack & Laurie and Kate. Recognizing the value of the stories both inside the organization and out, RBC established a client stories page off  But the real return on investment was employee engagement and alignment around the "Client First" brand principles. 

All of the stories are accessible on RBC's employee intranet, and many have been used to open town hall meetings, employee conferences, and training sessions across the RBC network.   A number of recent stories originally developed with "internal-only" objectives, have also found their way to the public site.  Notably, the story of Randy and Neil, the couple from Winnipeg whose story is now available on the Homeline Plan product page.

Grab a coffee, sit down and enjoy.