It’s no surprise that asking employees for their favourite customer service stories will spark engaging conversations about customer service. Polling your business units for stories of teamwork and innovation will focus their efforts on teamwork and innovation. By understanding this phenomenon, you can design a storytelling initiative that touches specific stakeholder groups with razor-like precision.
Let’s consider this example: You want to engage your frontline employees with a story about a specific product that is gaining traction with a narrow, but influential customer segment. Finding an authentic story that will do this is not as hard as you might think, but let’s not stop there.
Are your West Coast and Maritime regions feeling neglected? Choosing a story from Nanaimo or Charlottetown will earn additional brownie points from employees who live outside Toronto or Montreal. And what about your employment diversity program? Featuring a model employee who speaks several languages will say much of about your brand values and principles.
Finding and sharing employee and customer stories isn’t brain surgery. But, making the stories work on an emotional and strategic level relies on good journalistic sensibilities and a keen understanding of the fundamentals of storytelling.