Friday, January 23, 2009

FACE TIME - Success Stories Communicate “What Went Right”.

Hey, have your heard the one about the Trojan horse, that over-sized gift left by the ancient Greeks with 30 armed soldiers hidden inside?

Humans have been sharing success stories since the dawn of civilization, and the best ones often result from teamwork. They have been used strategically to inspire audiences around great leadership, loyalty, bravery, and innovative thinking.

The ingredients of a modern corporate success story often combine the best character traits of your brand (leadership, integrity, customer focus, for example) and show how these traits help a team of people reach a difficult goal.

Launching the new product, landing the big order, or completing the merger, are certainly success stories worth sharing inside your organization. Stories like these present opportunities to communicate the value of innovative thinking, teamwork, and collaboration, and to recognize the working groups who operate behind the front lines of your organization.

There are also a myriad of other stories that can be shared publicly and strategically to build your brand (and business reputation) in the minds of the consumer. Fixing a customer problem, donating to a charity, or cleaning up a stream, are stories that speak volumes about your corporate values and community commitment.

Success Stories are like flight simulators, they help your audience “feel” future success.

Thanks to the Internet, the distribution opportunities for a well-crafted story are almost limitless, and the cost per “eyeball” drops dramatically when you appeal to larger audiences. Videos can be creative, impactful and engaging, and highly customizable. They can range from a 30 or 60-second television spot, a light-hearted animation, or an inspiring mini-documentary. The form the story will take (and the budget to produce it) depends on your audience and how you want to touch them.